Wild Kajaera
Have you seen the new hybrid eyes yet on the Wild Kajaera Second Life tigers. The wolves foxes will eat twice a day. Main Page Wiki Page Page Main Page Welcome to WK-Wild Kajaera. Wild kajaera . WK now creates a number of different Big Cats Wild Dogs Little Varmints and Wild. These wolves will be on sale till November 2. October 1 2017 0. The last silent bid will then be the beginning start bid for the live auction on Saturday June. An introduction to the team. All Wild Dogs use the same food dish of the thier owners. What that means is that there is an added chance of getting this eye on any tigers that are born throughout the weekend. About Second Life Maps. If you have Second Life installed on your computer teleport in and start exploring. Wild Kajaera is a company that started in Second Life that strives to enrich your online inworld experience by developing incredible breedable animals. Wild Kajaera is a company within Second Life that wants to augme...