Tengo Anos In English
Años m pl. Read and listen to these sentences.
Ella tiene 38 años.

Tengo anos in english. Translate Yo tengo. Este gobierno no llegará a 2 años. An example of where the word could be omitted would be a sentence such as this.
Tengo veinte años. Me temo que esto durará años y años como es habitual en los tribunales belgas. Im twenty years old.
Saying your age in Spanish. Esta basílica fue construida hace ochocientos años. To hurt or be sore etc.
Realmente cree que tengo 10 años o algo así. I am twenty years old. The verb tener to have in Spanish is really useful.
Expand_more 150 years ago our average life expectancy was 40 years. To be afraid of something. Translation of Diez y Ocho Años Tengo Diziocho anos tengo by Sephardic Folk from Ladino Judeo-Spanish to English Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português Brasil Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어.
Im not 10 years old Devlin. See 2 authoritative translations of Tengo trece años in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Año dos años cinco años tres años cuatro años.
To talk about someones age in. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. See authoritative translations of Tengo once años in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Tengo 18 años viejo. A man of about eighty years of age. Learn how to use the verb to have in Spanish in this guide for students aged 11 to 14 from BBC Bitesize.
You can complete the translation of cuántos años given by the Spanish-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries. In contrast with English in Spanish you normally cannot leave out años unless the word has been used previously and the context makes clear what is meant. Pablo tiene 69 años.
With Reverso you can find the Spanish translation definition or synonym for cuántos años and thousands of other words. So Tengo diez anos if you want to say I am ten years old What does yo tengo dieciocho anos mean in Spanish. I have 30 years Yo tengo veintiséis años.
Translate Tengo once años. Literally I have twenty years. I have 18 years or I am 18 years old.
However if u wanted to translate it literally this would mean i have 16 years. Tener miedo ade infinitive. When you say tengo dieciseis anos you are saying the English equivalent of i am 16 years old.
Tengo veinte años y mi hermano tiene quince. I am 30 years old. I am twenty-six years old.
Translate Tengo trece años. There are lots of phrases in Spanish that use the verb tener where in English wed use the verb to beSo if you want to say for example I am 30 years old make sure you say Tengo 30 añosYou wont make much sense if you say Soy 30 años For my fellow grammar fans. Tengo X anos Where X is the Spanish number.
It depends how old it is. Tengo 18 años Correct. Ive had it for 10 years and it was a gift from Paméla.
I am 20 years old and my brother is 15. To be afraid to do something. If we could reach.
See 2 authoritative translations of Tengo años in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. The años part is almost always added after the number though unlike in English you dont say old after years años. Ya no tengo 10 años Leo.
Note that the Spanish phrases use to have a noun whereas the English ones use to be. However if u wanted to translate it literally this would mean i have 16 years. With such a sadness we look.
You loved me twenty years ago. Años Examples from the PONS Dictionary editorially verified un hombre de alrededor de ochenta años. Años in English with audio pronunciations.
She seriously thinks Im like 10 or something. In Spanish we use the verb tener to have to talk about age. Tener miedo ade noun.
María tiene 27 años. Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish Chinese. This basilica was built eight hundred years ago.
Today I represent the past I cant be satisfied. The things we want you would love me the same way. Instead you use tener to have and años years.
See authoritative translations of Yo tengo. To say I am number years old we use tengo number of years años. When you say tengo dieciseis anos you are saying the English equivalent of i am 16 years old.
This lesson will show you how to use tener años to have years with the numbers from 1-99 to ask and answer questions about age in Spanish. Años masculine plural Hace 150 años la esperanza media de vida era de 40 años ahora es de 80 años. No tengo 10 años Devlin.
This government wont last two years. Wikipedia Lexilogos Maria Moliner Espasa Calpe Grijalbo Larousse Wordreference Oxford Collins dictionaries. These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
To be in a hurry. Él tiene 42 años. Depende de los años que tenga.
La tengo 10 años y era un regalo de Paméla. Today it is 80 years. Im not 10 years old anymore Leo.
There are also many idiomatic expressions with tener that express sensations more psychological in nature.
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